A properly designed safety label can protect a company from tremendous headache in regards to personnel safety. Gen3Printing offers a wide rage of customizable safety solutions, from labels to signage, that will help communicate your companies’ specific safety needs.
Absolutely compliant with ANSI, OSHA and ISO standards, Gen3Printing has the capability of working with each customer to determine their specific warning label and signage needs, creating a product that suits them specifically. Typically, warning and safety solutions are intended for electrical, mechanical, and energy hazards, as well as instructional, policy and identification (ID) labels, and labels featuring QR code technology.
Gen3Printing also offers stock NEMA “Mr. Ouch” labels. These labels, designed by The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) conclusively warn the public and children to stay away from pad mounted transformers. They conform to the current ANSI standard for safety labels and are printed with UV resistant inks on tamper resistant (destructible) Vinyl. See our stock label order form here (pdf).
On a lighter note, having the capability of producing customizable safety and warning signs can open the door to many humorous, silly and what some may deem as “unnecessary” signs. While we can surely produce any of the signs featured below, there may be a few giggles from production as they are being run. Check out these silly warning signs we stumbled upon across the web:
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